Every nonprofit organization has special needs, problems, or questions about how to meet goals - even the most successful. Every organization deals with them differently.
Some spend most of their time working on the minor annoying ones, never getting to the big issues that can affect the institution. Others concentrate on the major difficult questions, ignoring the small ones, which can eventually grow into serious headaches.

There’s no substitute for
an experienced partner
Since 1991, Holman Consulting has provided practical solutions to the challenges and problems
faced by nonprofit organizations today: training board members and volunteers to raise money;
anticipating the future through strategic planning; maximizing resources;
and using planned giving to raise significant funds for current and endowment needs.
What can Holman Consulting do for you?
Latest Publication
Faithful Giving: The Heart of Planned Gifts
Planned gifts are typically the largest gifts received by a charity and can transform religious organizations and congregations to become more sustainable, impactful, and vibrant entities for decades to come. Faithful Giving by James W. Murphy focuses on helping those who are engaged in fundraising and planned gifts. Margaret Holman is a contributing author. See more »